Wandering within in darkness i see a light, Pulling me ingress,the dot grows too bright. Scared of being burnt,i strive away, But the twine in me ignites keeping the negativity at bay, This fire helps me to keep moving on, Even at the times when people pull me down and i am torn. There are times when i am on roll, I feel elated,alacritic,confident and not being strolled, Other times i am confused and broken, Times when i feel useless and such state i reckon, People say you need support and someone who listens to you in such phases, Friends who you thought,were your go to people,also leave without traces. You feel you're worthless and a debacle, But never give up,as you are, your lives own oracle. Dream,dreams are something that keep y...
Writings out of the blue which hopefully you'll connect to :D